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Dermatology Medicine
  • Xiaoyin Jiaonang

    Clearing away heat to cool blood, nourishing blood to moisten dryness, dispelling wind to relieve itching. It is applicable for psoriasis caused by blood heat or deficiency and wind-dry with the syndromes of guttiform tetter with a bright red basement, or

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  • Xiaoyin Jiaonang

    Clearing away heat to cool blood, nourishing blood to moisten dryness, dispelling wind to relieve itching. It is applicable for psoriasis caused by blood heat or deficiency and wind-dry with the syndromes of guttiform tetter with a bright red basement, or

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  • Fuyang Keli

    Dispelling wind to invigorate blood, removing dampness and relieving itching. It is applicable for pruritus and urticaria.

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